All of us have unique abilities and talents, given to us by God, although not everyone recognizes their own gifts. Blaine Smith of Nehemiah Ministries has posted a good article on recognizing your spiritual gifts and learning how they fit into God’s plan for your life. He challenges us not to dismiss our gifts by comparing them to other people’s, and to keep alert for opportunities to sharpen our talents in the service of God. Most of us are “one-talent” persons. We are not going to be another Billy Graham, Mahatma Ghandi or Mother Teresa.
When we see ourselves falling short of the accomplishments of certain renowned individuals, we can lose the motivation to take our own potential seriously. Each of us without exception, however, has significant gifts–and opportunities to invest them for Christ that vastly exceed our expectations. What this provision amounts to specifically varies greatly from person to person. But God wants each of us to begin with the a priors assumption that he has endowed us with important ability to meet vital human needs, and that he will open all the doors necessary for us to be productive.
This attitude of faith will help us take meaningful steps toward fully understanding our gifts and the opportunities Christ provides us to make a difference. Smith has written other articles about using your spiritual gifts and related topics. And if you’re interested in exploring the idea of gifts and calling further, the Christian Career Center has a number of articles on finding your calling (although with a career focus).
Adapted from The Gospel. Com. Blog.
When we see ourselves falling short of the accomplishments of certain renowned individuals, we can lose the motivation to take our own potential seriously. Each of us without exception, however, has significant gifts–and opportunities to invest them for Christ that vastly exceed our expectations. What this provision amounts to specifically varies greatly from person to person. But God wants each of us to begin with the a priors assumption that he has endowed us with important ability to meet vital human needs, and that he will open all the doors necessary for us to be productive.
This attitude of faith will help us take meaningful steps toward fully understanding our gifts and the opportunities Christ provides us to make a difference. Smith has written other articles about using your spiritual gifts and related topics. And if you’re interested in exploring the idea of gifts and calling further, the Christian Career Center has a number of articles on finding your calling (although with a career focus).
Adapted from The Gospel. Com. Blog.