Wednesday, February 23, 2011

CNY 2011

On 12th February 2011, over 60 members of 1st Kuching Company, The Boys’ Brigade and The Girls’ Brigade attended the Chinese New Year Party at the Parish Hall. The party was organised by the non-commissioned officers (NCOs) and young leaders (YLs) of both companies.

Among those present were Chaplain and Dean The Very Rev’d Michael Buma Galami, Parochial Church Council (PCC) Secretary Robert Tnay, Kuching Stedfast Association Secretary Henry Aik, 1st Kuching BB Captain Norman Ng and 1st Kuching GB Captain Avril Soon.

The party started with an opening prayer led by our BB Captain, followed by Praise and Worship led by our NCOs and YLs.

Then there was a 30-minute lion dance performance by a professional lion dance group, which captivated the attention of everyone present.

Our party continued with one interesting game by NCOs and YLs. All BB and GB members took part in this game.

This year, both BB and GB members took time to entertain those present. The girls performed a musical medley and the boys performed a street dance.

At the end of party, our GB Captain said a grace for our light refreshments. Overall, our team has successfully organised the party.

We also received a lot of feedback from both members and officers since this year’s approach was very different compared to previous years.

Group Photo

Musical Medley by GB Members

Street Dance by BB Members

Lion Dance